> Latest News & Activities > Embassy of the United States and EDF held an English Camp for students in Chiang Mai
Embassy of the United States and EDF held an English Camp for students in Chiang Mai

November 27-29, 2015: EDF would like to thank Embassy of the United States, Bangkok, Thailand,for organising an English Camp under the "English Access Microscholarship Program” for 75 students in Chiang Mai province aims to encourage Thai students to use communicative English especially with native speakers through fun activities such as speaking, listening, reading, writing, discussion amd presentation. The activities also include nature trekking, learning about eco-tourism and recreational activities for kids at Mae Fah Luang Hill-Tribe Community, Mae Klang Luang Village.

2015-12-03 | Latest News & Activities | เปิดอ่าน 3644

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