> > Orientation and Training on Promoting School Lunch Project in Laos
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Orientation and Training on Promoting School Lunch Project in Laos |
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| 28th-31st August, 2012
Hadxiengdy Primary School and Phonxay Primary School, Khammoune, Laos, was the place to conduct Orientation and Training on the project. It's organized for 3 schools 75 project leaders consist with 15 teachers, 30 community leaders and 30 student leaders. EDF-Lao and EDF-Thai helped to be the resource persons to explain on the project details and how to implement the school lunch project at school. EDF-Thai experiences can be well transferred to the project leader groups through video and explanation. |
Moreover, because we realize that teamwork plays an important role and it is really one of the key factors to success. Therefore, the session on team building had been focused a lot in different ways such as through video, team building game, group discussion and conclusion by the end of each session. More importantly, workshop on action plan was really useful for all project leaders think well about the activities they will do in this project to achieve the objectives proposed.
According to the observation found that most of the participants were happy and interested to participate in all activities arranged for them. They all enjoyed games and helped in making an action plan. We think most of the trainees had well understood the session and gained knowledge from the training. Once, when the project started, we will come to know the result, anyway, frequent monitoring also important and can be one of the key success factors.
2012-08-31 | Latest News & Activities | เปิดอ่าน 4554 |