> Latest News & Activities > At American Women’s Club of Thailand
At American Women’s Club of Thailand
June 6, 2012

Ms.Charuwat Boossamalee, Project Development Director from The Education for Development Foundation or EDF, was the representative to sign MOU and received grants from Ms. Laurie A. Adulayavichitr, Community Projects Co-Chair & Vendor Relations, American Women’s Club of Thailand (AWC)
Senior Citizens Smile is a development project working in cooperation between EDF and AWC. It was initiated from seeing the real Isan social problems that most of the working-age adults from the agricultural rural areas to migrate to big cities and leaves the grandparents to raise the children. Due to the age gap of different generation, children and grandparents like to live separately and do not take a good care of each other. So, this project tries to reach a happier family, support and develop senior citizens’s health (physical, mental, social) and pass on the aged wisdom to grandchildren generation.

2012-06-12 | Latest News & Activities | เปิดอ่าน 4935

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