> Featured Stories > Kittisak, Applying for a lower secondary scholarship, academic year 2023.
Kittisak, Applying for a lower secondary scholarship, academic year 2023.

Kittisak (Satang)
Grade 6, Ban Kut Ngong Dong Sawan School
Chaiyaphum province
Applying for a lower secondary scholarship,
academic year 2023.

Hello, my name is Kittisak Srimengam and my nickname is Satang, I am a grade-6 student at Ban Kut Ngong Dong Sawan School in Chaiyaphum province.
I live with my parents and a younger brother in a one-story house made of wood and some concrete. The house is located near the school. My parents are farmers who grow cassava earning about 350 baht per day, but they do not have a job every day. They work only during the harvest season for cassava.

Satang and his homeroom teacher on their way to visit the students' homes.
Usually Monday to Friday, my parents go to the farm early in the morning. My little brother and I will hurry up to take a shower and get dressed for school. I ride a bicycle to school with my younger brother. On some days, my aunt hires me for 20-50 baht per time to babysit her daughter.


In addition to helping parents with housework, Satang sometimes work
as babysitter for his aunt’s daughter for 20-50 baht per time.
At school, I enjoy Physical Education and I am a school football player. I study harder to make up for things I am not really good at. When I grow up, I want to be a PE teacher.
I would like to get a scholarship to ease the burden off my parents' who only get money when they are hired during the cassava harvest season.

'Satang likes to play sports and is a school football player.
He dreams of going to the College of Physical Education
to become a physical education teacher in the future.
If I get this scholarship, I am confident that I can complete at least 3 years in lower secondary education. I want to continue my higher education at Chaiyaphum College of Physical Education. I am inspired by intern teachers teaching physical education at my school. They are very good at sports. I want to be like them. If I become a PE teacher I will come back to teach at my school so I can be close to home and take care of my parents.
If I get this scholarship, I promise to spend every single baht to benefit my education. Thank you.

2023-03-29 | Featured Stories | เปิดอ่าน 741

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