> Featured Stories > Ketsinee, Applicant for a 3-Year lower secondary scholarship for the 2025 academic year
Ketsinee, Applicant for a 3-Year lower secondary scholarship for the 2025 academic year
Ketsinee, Grade 6, Surin Province
Applicant for a 3-Year lower secondary scholarship
for the 2025 academic year.

Due to my parents' divorce, I was left in the care of my grandfather and grandmother. I also have other siblings who were abandoned and are being raised by my grandparents. My family consists of 5 members: my grandfather, grandmother, older brother, younger cousin, and myself.

Ket­sinee and her younger cousin were all abandoned by their parents and left in the care of their grandparents

My grandfather does not have a steady job; he works as a farmer and raises cattle. My grandmother works as a daily wage employee at a local secondary school, earning 280 baht per day. This is the primary source of income for the family, but my grandmother is worried because, as she grows older, she may no longer have the strength to continue working. Additionally, during school breaks, she does not receive any income since the school does not hire workers during this time.

Ket­sinee and her grandmother in the bedroom where everyone lives together

As for my older brother, due to our family's financial hardship, he did not have the opportunity to continue his education and only completed Grade 6. He now works as a general laborer in a different province, rarely coming back to help our grandmother. My younger sibling, who is also my cousin, was similarly abandoned by his parents and has not received any support from them either.

Ketsinee, her younger cousin, and their grandmother in front of the kitchen area of their home

I would like to receive a scholarship to help me continue my education because I believe education is extremely important. I feel deeply sorry for my grandmother and sometimes feel like I should leave school and help her work to support the family.

However, I know that my education is something that should not be neglected. I would like to study at a nearby school first, and if possible, I hope to continue my studies at the same school, where the costs are lower. A scholarship would be a significant opportunity for me to continue my education until I finish Junior High School (Grade 9).

"Receiving this scholarship will allow me to continue my education through Grade 9 and not be a burden on my grandmother."

I sincerely thank everyone for considering me for this opportunity. I promise to study diligently for my future and the future of my family.

2025-03-07 | Featured Stories | เปิดอ่าน 71

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