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Knowledge Management Training
On 18-19 January 2013, EDF Thailand has arranged the training on Knowledge Management to 30 teachers from 5 schools.  Ban Yang Vittaya School, Ban Lawoe and Ban Nonglak Samakkee School from Chum Puang District.  Ban Nong Chan School and Ban Nong Makuea School, from Lam Thamenchai District, Nakhon Rachasima Province.  Under Agriculture for School Lunch Project and Dissemination of Nutrition Education supported by Ajinomoto Co., Inc.  The purposes of this training were extending the opportunity for teachers to perceive knowledge management, tacit knowledge searching, and secret technique from the project implementation, writing success story to distribute to those interested  as well as applying the knowledge management technique and information to develop their learning and teaching.

2013-01-24 | Latest News & Activities | เปิดอ่าน 4561

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